Information for Candidates
This document is intended to give general information on the procedures used in the submission and review of applications for link to the NationCHAT IRC Network. You MUST read this information entirely before submitting your application. If you are missing any requested information on your application, it WILL be rejected automatically. It is highly suggested that you also read the Technical Requirements document as there are some items there which will affect the application process as well.
How to submit your application:
Visit the Routing-Com Server Application and complete the automated new links as server application. This interface will guide the applicant step-by-step through the application ensuring that all required information is filled out (although not necessarily correctly or accurately). This facilitates processing by allowing the committee Secretary to verify that the application is completed fully prior to releasing it to the routing-com list (and subsequently to the committee itself). This automated form interacts directly with the online database, and provided the application is completed fully, the database will be updated within 8 hours of receipt. A copy of your application will be sent to you when you submit the application.
NOTE: Applications will ONLY be accepted from a responsible person from the hosting company OR from the responsible applicant. All applications not emanating from the hosting company or from the responsible applicant will be declined.
When submitting the application, please make sure that all the requested information is fully and accurately completed:
• Application not emanating from the hosting company.
• Reliability information stating simply "99% of the time up"
• Missing O/S and hardware information
• Missing authorization from the site admin for location of the server. (see below)
• Missing email address, real name, contact information for either the admin or the applicant.
• Missing the contact of the HOSTING site's ASN - with NIC handle. NIC contact for the domain' is NOT necessarily the contact for the SITE.
• Missing or inaccurate information on the site Uplink/connection information (Eg: DS3 through CAIS and 10mbps via CWIX.. etc)
• Mismatched AS Number to IP block. Note that the system will check the IP block in the RADB worldwide routing registry to ensure that the IP Net Block is sourced from the correct ASN. If the Net Block is not listed in the RADB worldwide registry, or is either missing an origin ASN or shows a different ASN to that specified, the application will be rejected.
• Please do NOT submit an application for a site either using a dynamic IP address
Please do not email the secretary or this list asking "when is my application going to be reviewed". This is both unnecessary, and wastes the time of the members and the Secretary. You can view your application status on the Routing Committee website by querying the DATABASE.
Please (please please) do NOT email or /msg the Secretary or the committee members online to say "can you put in a good word for me?" or "do you think I have a good chance". The members of the committee are also very busy individuals in their own rights, and do not have time to review applications on the fly at the request of the applicant just to answer a "do I have a chance" type question.
We do not require technical expertise; we do require some basic competence of all server admin’s, which include competence with compilation and configuration of your server, and basic UNIX system operation and or administration.
Once the applications have been reviewed, one of two things will happen. This depends on the number of applications being reviewed for that period. Either:
1. Applications which show potential will be short-listed and re-reviewed a short time later.
2. An immediate vote will be taken of all the applicants in that review period.
In the case of the former of these two options, all of the applicants who have been shortlisted will be notified that they are pending a second review. All the remaining applicants will be notified that we were unable to offer a test link at this time.
NOTE: Applicants who are notified of acceptance for a test link, are given a period of 5 days to respond to the notification indicating that they still wish to link, and to provide any further information requested at that time. Any applicant (or their representative) who fails to respond to this notification within 5 days, will result in a withdrawal of test link offer. Should this happen, the applicant must re-apply and follow this whole procedure again.
The NationCHAT welcomes individuals or groups who wish to contribute to the success of the network. This does not exclusively mean server links. There are only a limited number of servers which may be linked to the NationCHAT at any time. There are other ways that people are invited to assist the NationCHAT. For more information on some of these, please visit the NationCHAT website.
Here you will find most of the committees and other groups who are all active towards the goal of making the NationCHAT the best IRC Network.