NationCHAT IRC Network offers its users Free BOTS (and support for them) so people can include into their channels, if they are unable to create their own.
The purpose of BOTs Service is to provide channel owners with a FREE clean running (no flooding, no war features, etc.) eggdrop BOT for various purposes.
An IRC bot is a program that sits in an IRC channel around the clock, keeping it open 24 hours a day. It looks just like a normal user on the channel, but is usually idle until it's called upon to perform a particular function. A bot can contribute greatly to the stability of a channel by protecting it from takeovers and abusers, providing a central location for storage of the channel op list and giving ops to those users when they join the channel. It can also perform many other useful functions, such as logging channel events, providing frequently-requested information, hosting trivia games, and so on.
Eggdrop is the most advanced, most popular, and best supported IRC bot. If you've never used a bot before, you'll find Eggdrop provides a staggering array of options for channel management, and can easily be expanded further to provide even more functions. The Eggdrop code is free for anyone to download and use. The eggdrop bot is quite complex and packed with features: multiple channels support, advanced and flexible userfile structure, a unique feature accessed by DCC chat, multi-language support, many scripts and modules, allowing you to easily add extra features to the bot.
Before you request a bot check if your IRC channel has the requirements to make the request, please read our Rules carefully!
Before making a Bot request you must have Read and Accept the following rules:
☆ Only the founder of the channel can make the request.
☆ The BOTs are available only for channels registered with X.
☆ It will NOT be taken into account multiple requests.
☆ And 'it required an average of 5 users within the channel.
☆ The BOTs needs to be added to X and opped at all times.
☆ The channel must have a life time of at least one month (from the date of registration).
☆ There must be no other BOTs with the same functions within the channel for which the request is made.
☆ The applicant undertakes to accept any protections inserted inside the bot by Bots Team Masters.
☆ The Bots Team Masters have the power to remove the bot from the channel if one of the aforementioned requests failed, in case of abuse of the bots themselves or for any other administrative reason.
Those BOTs are not a replacement for X - Channel Service Bot.
To request a bot join #bots channel from NationCHAT IRC Network and use commands:
!request for bot requests and !bots for a list of available bots.
BOTS PURPOSES (games and/or protection):
Protection: general channel protection, now having a language module (in which you can add other languages if you want), protections (antipub, antinotice etc.), modules (badchan, badword, topwords, limit, seen, antidle etc.) and lots of commands to control your channel and your eggdrop.
News: constantly updated (every 15 minutes), this bot takes care of the printing, in the channels, the news published by the most important information websites.
Statistics (stats): this bot has no public commands. His job is purely to generate statistics for each channel in which it is located. Daily traffic, list of most active chatter, topic changes and much more. All statistics are then published on a specified website and accessible by anyone.
Trivia: you've always dreamed of participating in a game show but never passed the selections? Do you have fun answering the questions of "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire"? Thanks to this bot will be able to test your knowledge directly in the chat. Ranking Trivia.
UNO: classic card game of matching colors and numbers. Special Action Cards and Wild Cards for unexpected excitement and game-changing fun.
Quote: a collector of quotations. That's all. A simple but fun task. With this bot you can store all the "crap" in the said channel, to be able to "laugh over" at all times.
Horoscope: displays your daily horoscopes.
Radio: for radio stations that have IRC channels. Used to manage the streams, channels, djs, adding custom text messages etc.
Translate: translates every text between 63 different languages.
Weather: gets weather information of any city in the world. You can see the actual weather and forecast weather.
YouTube: when someone is posting a YouTube link in channel, the bot displays some information about like the video title, views, likes/unlikes.
You can find here other available BOT Commands.
The Bot Team Masters can still be contacted via #bots for any reports, problems, notes or suggestions regarding this service.
Please be patient and respect the Bots Team Masters for their work, they do it for free - and for you.