Here is a list to help you learn about NationCHAT User modes. They change with time, so check back to be sure you are up to date.
You can only change your own user modes: therefore, the nickname will always stand for the nick that you are using at the time.
All commands must begin with a / (forward slash), immediately followed by the command name.
This mode marks a user as a BOT to other users and Network Staff. This will add a line to /WHOIS so people can easily recognize bots.
Usage: /MODE nickname +B
All bots connecting to any NationCHAT server must set user mode +B (Bot) when connecting and must get permission of the channel owner before joining a channel.
Note: It is recommended to set this mode on bots and bots only.
User mode +d (Deaf)
This marks the client as deaf and the client will receive no messages or notices sent to channels.
Usage: /MODE nickname +d
Queries and private messages will still be received. Users who have this mode set will have a - symbol next to every channel in their /WHOIS result.
User mode +i (Invisible)
No normal user can find you using /WHOIS, /NAMES or similar search facilities. This user mode is now activated for all clients which connect to NationCHAT and cannot be disabled.
User mode +R (Restrictive Messaging)
Allows you to only receive PRIVMSGs/NOTICEs from registered users (logged to X).
User mode +r (Registered)
This mode indicates that you are using a registered username and have logged to X (channel services bot). NationCHAT services automatically sets this user mode on you when you log in with X and will remove it when you quit.
Note: You cannot set or unset this mode yourself. User mode +r is settable by services only.
User mode +w (Wallops/walluser)
Allows you to receive walluser message sent by IRC operators.
Usage: /MODE nickname +w
User mode +x (Hidden host)
Changes your host to "", where username is your X account name. On some NationCHAT servers this mode it is automatically set on you on connect.
Usage: /MODE nickname +x or //MODE $me +x
Users will see you quit and rejoin IRC with this new host. You are advised to set this mode before entering any channels for maximum security.
Note: Once this mode is set, it cannot be deactivated. To remove the hidden host you must reconnect to IRC or "jump" your bouncer.
User mode +z (Secured connection)
This mode is automatically set when a user is securely connected via SSL/TLS.
Note: This mode cannot be unset and it's set by the server only.